IHG is the latest hotel company to jump into the direct booking wars
Fresh from the recent news that Marriott and Hilton and others have begun the…
Hilton Hotel Group weighing up a hostel brand
One of the worst kept secrets is out! Global five star hotel chain Hilton is…
Discovery Melbourne Selects GuestCentrix
Discovery Group Melbourne Chooses GuestCentrix Hostel Software for their future…
GuestCentrix launching Cloud Based PMS for Hostels
GuestCentrix is extremely proud to be major sponsor of WYSE Exchange Australia…
From Amsterdam to Byron Bay, new GuestCentrix Hostel.Web cloud based PMS wins high praise
CMS Hospitality, one the world's leading providers of cloud based property…
OTAs. Necessary evil, or great booking partner?
There are more and more OTA's entering the market every day , and many of the…
Six reasons you can't charge your no-show
One for our hostel and backpacker operator clients. Insights from Dennis…
6 Reasons why hotels are failing to meet the needs of travellers
The team here at GuestCentrix have known Kash for several years - and he has a…
3 tips to reduce your acquisition costs
There is huge industry and media focus currently around the lack of power…
Independent Hotels can beat OTA's using Real Time Data
To an independent hotelier, the phrase "big data" might be something that…