“The GDPR regulations contain strict regulations around the handling of personal data. Our role as suppliers of the Property Management software means that we only provide the appropriate software tools, and we do not retain any personal data of your Guests.

Guests from within the European Union will have the option of “Right to Forget” from 25 May 2018 where their personal information will be anonomised. This, however, is discretionary if for example, a guest asks for their data to be removed but they have a future booking with you.  You will need to reflect this in your own Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy/Registration Card.

In the short term, for any request like this you’ll need to submit a ticket to our Support Desk including the Folio ID and Surname.  We will run a script against that guest’s data to make their profile anonymous. There will be an option to be able to do this yourselves in a future release.”